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Tales 2000 by flag Haggeman (Thomas Hagfors)
Requested By: djrandom

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General » Game Tunes

Forums » General » Game Tunes (3 posts)
Pages: 1
Author Thread

327 Posts
#2222 (6 months, 3 weeks ago)
Hi all, per some discussion in the chat the other day, we really should be phasing out the game music. I realise that most of it has been here for like 15 years, but things were different back in the early days of Nectarine. There were few if any internet radio stations at that time, and certainly Necta was one of the only ones dedicated to vintage computer music.

In the modern "YouTube age", It doesn't really make sense for Nectarine demoscene radio to stream so much non-demoscene-related stuff. Anyone can hear the Commando soundtrack, see the game, etc whenever they like by punching it into YT. The stream really should be dedicated to demoscene, not same-old-same-old game soundtracks.

To be clear, we're not "deleting" anything, we're just locking a lot of game tunes so they don't show up on the stream anymore. As said above, you can hear them whenever you like in plenty of other venues, and if you are dying to hear some particular version of Prehistoric Tale or whatever, you can even use our "Listen" link.

I am also interested in making the upload interface easier to use, so if anyone has any good ideas on that, please let me know.
Steadily at the low level

74 Posts
#2223 (6 months, 3 weeks ago)
I'm fine with this especially since lots of that stuff is indeed overplayed and can be requested on CVGM.

I wouldn't remove gameremixes made by sceners which are used in famous cracktros or demos.

8 Posts
#2378 (1 month, 2 weeks ago)
I would be fine with this if things like "Commercial CD" sourced songs were also removed, otherwise it's a bit of a double standard.
Pages: 1

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